Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Ultra Romantic-|Anime
“Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Ultra Romantic-” is the third season of the anime series adapted from the manga by Aka Akasaka, aired in 2022. Directed by Mamoru Hatakeyama and produced by A-1 Pictures, the story revolves around student council president Miyuki Shirogane and vice president Kaguya Shinomiya, who both try to make the other confess their love first through clever strategies. This season further develops their relationship and introduces new romantic challenges and mind games. The humor and intricate psychological battles are highlights that captivate viewers.
Miyuki Shirogane, the proud and brilliant student council president, and Kaguya Shinomiya, the equally talented vice president, secretly have feelings for each other but refuse to confess due to their pride. Thus begins their battle of wits to make the other confess first. In this third season, the story centers around events like the school festival, deepening their bond and exploring themes of friendship, rivalry, and emotional conflicts.
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Ultra Romantic- | Recommendations
“Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Ultra Romantic-” is known for its intriguing romantic mind games. The witty exchanges between Miyuki and Kaguya, along with the stories of supporting characters, add depth to the show. The blend of humor and heartfelt moments brings laughter and emotion to viewers, making it a must-watch for romantic comedy enthusiasts.
© Aka Akasaka / Shueisha, Kaguya-sama: Love Is War Production Committee