Denden's DEN NOU DENSYA main image

Denden’s DEN NOU DENSYA|Anime

“Denden’s DEN NOU DENSYA” is an original anime that first aired in 2023, directed by Keita Matsuda and produced by STUDIO HUIT. In this work, a “anything goes” story unfolds on a mysterious train driven by the train spirit “Denden. This is a 3D short animation in which the hottest VTubers and VSingers appear as “themselves”.

Denden's DEN NOU DENSYA  scene1
Denden's DEN NOU DENSYA  scene2
Denden's DEN NOU DENSYA  scene3

The stage is set on a mysterious train driven by the train spirit “Denden”.
VTubers and VSingers who are active on the scene will appear as “themselves” in this new sensation.
The virtual existence of the “Denden” allows for a “anything goes” atmosphere, but the talk is the exact opposite of that. This is a short animation that will make you chuckle with its mix of “ah-ha” and unbelievable developments.

Denden's DEN NOU DENSYA  scene4
Denden's DEN NOU DENSYA  scene5

The cyberpunk visuals and detailed world setting of “Denden’s DEN NOU DENSYA” are especially recommended. The “anything goes” behavior and talk by VTubers and VSingers on the train is appealing. Another highlight is the appearance of popular VTubers and VSingers as “themselves.

Denden's DEN NOU DENSYA  scene6
Denden's DEN NOU DENSYA  scene7
Denden's DEN NOU DENSYA  scene8

Denden’s DEN NOU DENSYA – YouTube

© Studio X / Denden’s Cyber Train Production Committee

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