Yakitori main image


“Yakitori” is an action anime based on the Japanese science fiction novel by Carlo Zen, which was animated by Netflix in 2023. It was directed by Hideki Ambo and animated by ARECT. The story is set against the backdrop of a war with an alien civilization, focusing on young individuals trained as human soldiers. Combining near-future sci-fi elements with dramatic battlefield scenes, the show captures the tension of warfare and the inner conflicts of its characters. Its visual effects and combat sequences leave a strong impression on viewers.

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In a near-future Earth, war with an alien civilization has intensified. The protagonist, Akira Ihotsu, undergoes harsh training to become a “Yakitori,” a human soldier fighting for humanity’s survival. Alongside his comrades, he engages in fierce battles, fighting for survival while discovering the essence of humanity and friendship amid the chaos. Akira’s journey resonates with viewers through its themes of emotion and camaraderie in wartime.

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The highlight of “Yakitori” is its realistic portrayal of warfare and an in-depth exploration of the characters’ emotions. The intense battle scenes and meticulously crafted visuals of futuristic cities offer great visual satisfaction. Character development and the bonds formed between comrades add an emotional layer that captivates viewers. This anime is a must-watch for fans of sci-fi action and stories with rich psychological elements.

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