Dr.STONE Stone|Anime
“Dr. STONE” is an anime adaptation of the popular manga written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi. First aired in 2019, it was directed by Shinya Iino and produced by TMS Entertainment. The story unfolds 3,700 years after humanity was petrified, following the genius scientist Senku Ishigami as he attempts to rebuild civilization using the power of science. The series captivates audiences with its survival strategies based on scientific principles and the collaborative journey of rebuilding society.
Mankind was mysteriously petrified by a blinding light, leading to thousands of years of stone-bound slumber. Genius scientist Senku Ishigami awakens from his stone sleep and vows to restore civilization through the power of science. Joined by his childhood friend Taiju Oki and others, Senku invents various technologies from scratch, seeking to unravel the mystery behind petrification and forge a new future for humanity. The story depicts the challenges and triumphs of building a new world using scientific ingenuity.
Dr. STONE | Recommendations
“Dr. STONE” stands out for making science both educational and entertaining. The anime integrates practical scientific knowledge, offering viewers an engaging learning experience. Senku Ishigami’s passionate and intelligent character, along with the bonds between him and his allies, captivates the audience. The story’s progression through overcoming unknown challenges sparks hope and a sense of adventure.
Dr.STONE Stone – YouTube
© Riichiro Inagaki, Boichi / Shueisha, Dr. STONE Production Committee