Wave, Listen to Me!|Anime
Wave, Listen to Me! is based on the manga by Hiroaki Samura, serialized in “Monthly Afternoon” since 2014. The anime adaptation was produced by Sunrise in 2020, directed by Tatsuma Minamikawa. Set in Sapporo, Hokkaido, the story follows Minare Koda, who unexpectedly finds herself becoming a radio personality. The unique protagonist and the authentic depiction of the radio industry have captivated viewers and sparked conversations.
The story begins when Minare Koda, fresh from a breakup, vents her frustrations at a bar. Her rant is unknowingly recorded by a radio producer and broadcast on the radio. This unexpected event launches her career as a radio personality overnight. Minare’s quirky character and outrageous remarks start captivating listeners, leading to an engaging tale of her challenges and growth in the radio industry.
Wave, Listen to Me! | Recommendations
The main appeal of Wave, Listen to Me! lies in the protagonist Minare’s energetic and candid personality. Her unique humor and the fresh setting of the radio industry make for an entertaining watch. The detailed depiction of Hokkaido’s landscape and local culture adds charm, showcasing life in a Japanese regional city. Minare’s journey of overcoming challenges and her growth resonate with viewers, blending humor and empathy seamlessly.
© Hiroaki Samura, Kodansha / Moiwayama radio station