Porco Rosso|Anime
Porco Rosso is a Japanese animated film produced by Studio Ghibli and released in 1992. It is the sixth feature-length animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and is based on Miyazaki’s 1990 manga series. It is an animated feature film adapted from a short manga. The catchphrases are “This is what it means to be cool.” And “Fly and you’ll see.” The film is based on the manga by Hayao Miyazaki. Hayao Miyazaki’s family was involved in the aeronautics industry, and he had longed to fly since he was a child, and this film was his dream.
Set in the Adriatic Sea in Italy in the 1920s during the Great Depression, the film tells the story of a pirate, not a pirate, who pilots a flying boat, and a retired military pilot in the form of a pig who makes his living as a bounty hunter against air pirates.
Porco Rosso was an ace pilot in the Italian Air Force during the First World War. One thing led to another and he cast a spell on himself, transforming himself into a pig. Now he is a bounty hunter who captures air pirates infesting the Adriatic Sea.
The air pirates, who find him a smoke screen, hire an American pilot, Donald Curtis, to take down Porco. He is a good-natured man with excellent flying skills, but somewhat jovial and loves women.
He ambushes Porco, who is having trouble with his engine, and manages to shoot it down. Curtis, who has a crush on Gina, Porco’s former flying companion and now madam at the Hotel Adriano, makes a pass at her while Porco is away, but is easily passed over as I have someone waiting for me.
Porco takes his broken machine to Piccolo, a familiar repair shop. There he meets Piccolo’s granddaughter, Fio.
Porco is at first indignant at her offer to design and rebuild his boat, but her enthusiasm wins him over and he entrusts her with everything. Porco finds her cheerful and carefree appearance refreshing. And the finished Porco boat was as perfect as he had imagined. Before long, Fio boards Porco’s boat and joins him in action. When Porco and his crew finally return to their hideout with the revived boat, the air pirates are waiting for them.
Fio is enraged by their sneak attack on Porco on the ground, and forces them to re-match Porco against Curtis. Then Curtis dashingly appears. Curtis is dressed up to appear high and mighty, but as soon as he sees Fio, he falls in love at first sight again. He agrees on the condition that he bets on her. On the eve of the duel, Porco tells Fio about his experiences in the First World War. Finally, on the day of the duel, Porco and Curtis engage in a huge aerial battle, watched by many air pirates and Fio. The two eventually come to blows, with Porco defeating Curtis.
Porco Rosso| Recommendations
“Porco Rosso” was originally made as an animation for in-flight broadcast on passenger planes, and I think the fact that Hayao Miyazaki’s taste was fully exposed without considering the general public’s reception led to a very wonderful film.
It is a film filled with a man’s romance, and the music is really great. All the characters shine, and the storyline, battle scenes, and dialogues are all first class.
The beautiful depiction of the Italian sky and sea, the scenes where the aircraft moves through the light that shines through the gaps in the clouds, and other scenes that only those who can pilot their own flying boat can directly feel the impression of freedom that can only be experienced by those who can pilot their own flying boat. The work is full of humanism, worldview appeal, and emotion.
© 2005-2024 STUDIO GHIBLI Inc. / 1992 Hayao Miyazaki / NN