A Silent Voice|Anime
The Japanese anime “A Silent Voice” is a haunting and moving work about bullying, relationships with people with disabilities, and themes of redemption and forgiveness. Based on a manga by Yoshitoki Oima, it was serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine from 2013 to 2014. An animated film version was released in 2016, directed by Naoko Yamada and produced by Kyoto Animation. A Silent Voice” has attracted many fans and received international acclaim for its beautiful animation and sensitive storytelling.
The story of “A Silent Voice” is about a boy named Shouya Ishida (Masaya Ishida), who used to bully a deaf girl named Shouko Nishimiya in elementary school, and now in high school, regrets his actions and confronts her. Shouya has been isolated from others and blames himself for his past bullying, but when he meets Shouko again, he has a strong desire to make amends with her. The story depicts the process of Shouya confronting her past sins and building new relationships with the people around her.
A Silent Voice | Recommendations
The appeal of “A Silent Voice” lies in the very delicately drawn characters’ emotional dynamics and its approach to realistic social issues. Themes such as bullying, disability, self-loathing, and forgiveness are deeply explored, and many people can relate to the characters as they struggle and grow. The beautiful visuals and moving music, which only Kyoto Animation can provide, further enhance the work. This animation is more than just entertainment; it is a work that makes us think about human relationships and the state of society.
© Yoshitoki Oima・KODANSHA / A Silent Voice Production Committee