By the Grace of the Gods|Anime
“By the Grace of the Gods” is an isekai fantasy anime based on the light novel by Roy. Originally published as a web novel in 2014, it was later adapted into a book series, gaining a strong following. The anime adaptation premiered in 2020 and is known for its warm, peaceful atmosphere and heartwarming storyline. In the isekai genre, it stands out for focusing on the protagonist’s growth and relationships with the people around him, offering moments of comfort and inspiration. The production was handled by a studio noted for detailed character work and beautifully rendered backgrounds.
Ryoma Takebayashi, who endured a harsh life in the real world, passes away and is reincarnated into a new world by three gods. In this new world, he is known as “Ryoma” and uses slimes to develop unique magic and techniques. He spends his peaceful days helping others and enjoying life. Through interactions with various people, Ryoma enriches his new life and finds his place in the world. The story centers on his gentle nature and the joys of everyday life in a different world.
By the Grace of the Gods | Recommendations
The appeal of “By the Grace of the Gods” lies in the protagonist Ryoma’s kind-hearted nature and the warm interactions he creates in his new world. The depiction of unique magic and techniques using slimes is fascinating and adds a fresh element to the isekai genre. Additionally, the bonds Ryoma forms with those around him provide a comforting and heartwarming viewing experience. This anime is perfect for those who prefer a more soothing slice-of-life fantasy over intense adventure or battle themes.
By the Grace of the Gods – YouTube
© Roy, Hobby Japan / By the Grace of the Gods Production Committee