Hataraki Man|Anime
Hataraki Man is a socially conscious anime that aired in 2006, based on the manga by Moyoco Anno. Directed by Tsuneo Kobayashi and produced by Studio Gallop, the series follows Hiroko Matsukata, an editor at a publishing company. The show captures the struggles and dedication of working individuals in contemporary society, highlighting how Hiroko’s commitment to her job often comes at the expense of her personal life. The anime embodies the spirit of the “working man,” resonating with viewers for its realistic portrayal and thematic depth.
Hiroko Matsukata is a 28-year-old magazine editor who leads an intense work life. When she enters her “working man” mode, she can shut out distractions and work with remarkable focus. However, her passion for her job often comes at the expense of her personal life and romantic relationships. Through her work, Hiroko navigates relationships with colleagues, superiors, and clients while confronting her career-related struggles, striving to stay true to her beliefs.
Hataraki Man | Recommendations
Hataraki Man captivates with its relatable and realistic portrayal of characters. Hiroko Matsukata’s professional demeanor and passion for her job serve as inspiration to many viewers. Her vulnerabilities and growth through both successes and setbacks resonate with working professionals. The story also realistically depicts workplace issues and conflicts, offering diverse perspectives on work life. This anime is highly recommended for those interested in themes of business and dedication.
© Moyoco Anno, Kodansha / Hataraki Man Production Committee